Totem or monolith signs are a great solution for way finding, general signage, or a statement at your business entrance.
6274 have years of experience in totem design, manufacture and install. Our work can be found in locations across Scotland and even South Africa.
We can produce completely bespoke units, or those based on a signage system. Panels can be fixed, or interchangeable. Vinyl, full colour or back lit.
Our signs are suitable for:
- Industrial estates signage
- Educational signage, schools and colleges
- Tourist information signage
- Historical interpretation signage
- Hotel and hospitality sector
- Commercial signage
- University and higher education signage
- Healthcare and hospital signage

Ah, ok so now we’ve now got to the point on the page where I should write something that works for search engine optimisation. So first of all well done for reading this far I guess you’re not really meant to read it but let’s have some fun. We can do totem design and install for people living in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Auchtermuchty, Timbuktu, Tokyo, Sri Lanka, Baltimore and Nairobi! Oh hang on apparently you’re meant to keep it a little bit more focused. OK Bruce, focus, focus! We can provide totem signs in in Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Glasgow and Stirling. 6274 specialise in totem signs and monolith signs installed in Irvine, Airdrie, Kilmarnock, Hamilton, Greenock, Helensburgh, Port Glasgow, Largs, Inverness and Aberdeen.
Basically we do Totems, they are very good, and great value too. I think that will do!